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Use of Social - Media Twitter for your business or enterprise in the early stages

Writer's picture: Daniel HallDaniel Hall

Updated: Jul 31, 2022

I am typing this article now because as I have print and design business and rely on social media to provide the business with visibility and potential customers and clients and exposure. Many business owners and small businesses do not understand or appreciate how social media twitter can be vital to its success and I will tell you why

My own experiences of starting a print and design business includes having social media twitter for providing updates and enabling potential customers to send messages regards to products and services but it also helps for gaining new customers and clients using hashwords.

Hashtag is a symbol like this #

Keyword is like this Print

Hashtags have been designed because people tweeting and talking about a particular topic or keyword has visibility to their profile messages if they include the hashtag and keyword.

One example is like this

Recently the news and newspapers have been highlighting issues surrounding chaos in dover and of course if it hits the headlines then its usually talked about on social media twitter.

This results in # being used for keywords related to popular topics

How a business can benefit from this is by adding a message onto their business profile by looking at the trending topics and searching # to find the qty of tweets the more tweets the hashtags has the more audience a message you or your business type out will reach. When a business operates online it takes time to reach customers and clients and audiences and physical advertising is only one part of it all.

Therefore adding a message related to a popular trending topic each day on twitter will help your business gain visibility and reach more audiences.

One example is that the headlines recently has been talking about dover chaos and hashtags cover this keyword doverport therefore i decided to think about the keyword how can the keyword dover be related to my business in print and design and how can I use it as a promo tool for the business.

Well here it goes dover is a place in the UK and my business covers the whole of the UK therefore it is relevant to the business so I decided to use this as a promo message

As you can clearly see above the 2nd promo message was put onto my profile however as you can see the keyword dover has a relevant connection to the business because the business covers the entire UK so as I knew that hashtags with doverport was quite good I thought adding a message with a hashtag would be great as it was trending on social media on 23/07/2022

What this does it brings visibility to my business profile as the entire audience talking about dover including the people reading news articles and press coverage related to dover will see my business appear above all audiences this increases the chance of some potentially going onto the website for Dan's Print and Design in turn this can lead to a potential lead or customer or client and even 1 can be good.

I would advise business start - ups wishing to do the same is to consider what's trending each day on twitter look at the keywords carefully and if any keywords have any meaning towards your business or enterprise then use it to promote a product or service on your business profile then do not forget the important bit is to add the hashtag # in order for your message to be seen above all others.

To increase your visibility always try to find hashtags with thousands of tweeters to give your message more chance and reaching more audiences.

If you look at the first image stonewall a charity the keyword hashtag has over 4,000 people tweeting on 23/07/2022 and i thought how could i use this keyword as a connection to my business and because Dan's Print and Design supplies LGBTH+ T-shirts and merchandise therefore using the hashtag stonewall could potentially get the audience wanting to visit the profile, then potentially wishing to order pride merchandise.

Because it has over 4,000 audience it increased the chance of a web visitor to the website.

My advice is keep eye on trending topics daily and add messages on business profiles with hashtags with larger audiences and hope for the best lol.


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