I am typing this blog today because I came across a trending topic on social media talking about how people are paying high bills and getting into debt and do not believe bills should be so high however it says that protests may occur to protest against this.
My own thoughts on this is that yes if people are frustrated that their bills are too high and no fault of their own then yes protesting is a good idea and why I say this is because it makes the company aware and if the customer has some power that can influence that can be good also.
On the other hand people need to understand that are protesting that an important fact not to forget is that UK Government has put in place grant schemes to help people with their energy and gas bills. As I sit typing this blog out today I am in the process of looking into the grant schemes issued by government to try and reduce the gas and electricity bills.
A scheme set up by GOVT to help people erase alot of their debt that has built up.
So even though if bills are high and its not their fault and its due to other factors then yes protests may be good but the thing to remember is that the grant scheme erases some of the bill that is high.
However I do think they need to look into what the problems are and why bills are so high.
But then on the other hand people have a responsibility also to make sure they do not consume as much.
My own experience I moved into a property not long ago and my gas and electricity bill was sky high this seemed a bit too much for a property that i had 2 bed house.
I think that the issue does need raising but i think the energy companies need to look at how they can reduce costs as much as possible.
Written by Daniel Hall aged 33